about // self help // experimental // issue box


 mainly about self-help, dealing with one's issues & how to solve. expect updates to be infrequent as I have studies to focus on :(

 also made for testing html/css, those are seperated to their own section to avoid overflowing with the main purpose of this website

 if any bugs or if you have any issues, please direct those to the issue box responsibly


 most sections are relatively self-explanatory but I'm still going to explain them for the sake of filling up this empty, barren webpage.

 about is well... about the site, very simple, no need for explanation lolz!!

 self-help is about...... yeah. by the way, self-help will be split into different sections each focusing on one aspect of life. sections may be added later

 experimental is where i chuck all my html / css monstrosities. yeah, it's experimental. i keep experimenting with styles and try to find one that fits.

 i'm figuring out how to make "issue box" works but I'm working on it! (29/5/24)


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